WHO KNEW Doing Laundry Doesn’t Require a Big Plastic Jug of Detergent?
The Hanover Co-op now sells eco-friendly laundry products, including detergent that doesn’t come in big plastic bottles. I bought some laundry sheets called “EcosNext” and found them to work quite well.
WHO KNEW Riding a Bike Could Be as Much Fun as a Ticket to Disneyland?
That’s the comparison my friend Mary Anne made when I asked her how she likes the e-bike she bought a little over a year ago.
WHO KNEW Pollinator Gardens Would Be So Important to Us All?
According to the USDA, virtually all the world’s seed plants need to be pollinated. “Without pollinators, the human race and all of earth’s terrestrial ecosystems would not survive.”
WHO KNEW Now Is The Time To Go After Invasive Species In Your Yard and Neighborhood?
Early spring is a good time to attack invasives, while they are easier to identify and before you plant your other gardens.
WHO KNEW Simple Changes in Lawn Care Produce Fascinating Results?
We know that in the US, roughly 80% of us live in urban areas and our lawns take up a lot of space. Typical lawn care can contribute to greenhouse gasses and pollute runoff from rain or snow. We also know that because of pesticide and herbicide use on lawns native bees are in decline in urban areas, and few flowering plants are found. However, a few simple changes in the way we care for lawns can bring back pollinators and contribute to biodiversity in our own lawn!
WHO KNEW you could have an abundance of fresh, local produce from late spring through late fall without tending your own garden or visiting the local grocery store?
Well, a lot of you probably did know! Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is the best thing since sliced bread.
WHO KNEW Earth Month (April) Can Be the Start of Many Earth-Friendly Actions?
As Earth Month approaches there will be a lot of suggestions in the media about what we can do to reduce our carbon footprints.
WHO KNEW that We Can Help Reverse the Decline of Our Pollinators?
Some of us remember when car windshields were regularly coated with masses of dead bugs. It isn’t that improved car design led to fewer squished bugs; there really were many more bugs back then. In the wake of this loss, populations of birds, which need insect larvae to feed their young, and other creatures have declined too. So what do we do?
WHO KNEW it is now possible to recycle most of your styrofoam instead of it ending up in a landfill?
Styrofoam recycling event April 16th in Lebanon.
WHO KNEW How Important Our Native Insects are to a Healthy Environment?
Pollination is the sex act for flowering plants. Plants need insects to help them reproduce.
Photo: Black swallowtail on NY ironweed.debbi’s roos.jpg
WHO KNEW Our Own Hanover Town Manager, Julia Griffin, has Been Named Clean Energy New Hampshire’s Champion of the Year?
According to Clean Energy New Hampshire’s press release, Julia “has been instrumental in advancing state and local clean energy policy – through legislation, regulation and implementation.”
WHO KNEW Clearing Snow Could Be Fun and Environmentally Friendly?
For those who bemoan the damage to driveways and lawns caused by snowplows, consider the do-it-yourself method: Electric Snowblowers.
WHO KNEW our Winter Olympic Team’s Uniforms Would Not Only Be Extraordinarily Attractive But Sustainable As Well?
The Ralph Lauren designed red, white and blue puffer jackets in an eye popping plaid with an oversized red, white and blue USA logo on the back are sure to be memorable. As important, is the sustainability of the materials he’s used. From head to toe, all are made entirely from recycled materials or natural fibers.
WHO KNEW What Progress COOP Foodstores Are Making Toward Net Zero Emissions by 2030?
Kudos to the COOP and its board who have committed to net-zero emissions by 2030.
WHO KNEW New Hampshire Has a Nursery Where You Can Order Native Trees and Shrubs at Bargain Prices?
The NH state nursery grows seeds from native trees and shrubs and sells them in bulk when 1-2 years old, 4-18" tall.
WHO KNEW Colorful Christmas Lights Could Be So Green?
This year we need to replace our Christmas tree lights. After an investigation of incandescent versus LED mini light strings, I found that LED lights were the way to go. Up front they are more expensive, but in the long run they save you money.
WHO KNEW That You Can Save Money on Holiday Wrapping Supplies and Recycle All Your Wrapping as Well?
"Tis" the season for wrapping holiday gifts, but wrapping supplies are needed all year round for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and other special occasions too. Unfortunately wrapping supplies are expensive and some can't be recycled.
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.