WHO KNEW Earth Month (April) Can Be the Start of Many Earth-Friendly Actions?

As Earth Month approaches there will be a lot of suggestions in the media about what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. For example, there was a piece in a recent “Optimist Daily” online newsletter that listed 6 changes you can make to help avoid a climate crisis. Some of these actions involve big changes. For example going from 2 cars down to 1 means you have to schedule car use the way you once scheduled preschoolers’ play dates. And if people take no more than the recommended 1 long airline trip every 8 years it will relegate a lot of family reunions to Zoom.

But there are other, les drastic ways to get greener. You can start by doing things that are as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. In the winter turn your thermostat 1 degree lower. When the weather warms up, set your air conditioner or heat pump 1 degree higher.

2. Eat meat-free meals at least 2 days a week. Drive 2 miles per hour slower. Or when it’s feasible, a bicycle with 2 wheels uses a lot less energy than a car. Or you can ride the bus. It’s free.

3. Use high-efficiency LED light bulbs to replace 3 incandescent or fluorescent bulbs in your home. Buy no more than 3 items of new clothing each year. That may be impossible for a growing family, but at least check the labels and choose clothing that isn’t made mostly of artificial fibers. Or try used clothes from the fun consignment and thrift shops in our area.

There are many more things you can do to make a difference. You might consider big choices like upgrading your home’s insulation, installing heat pumps or solar arrays, and replacing your windows. But don’t let these bigger, more daunting projects deter you from doing what you can now. We need to celebrate Earth Month all year round. Let’s get started.

Go to sustainablehanovernh.org and click on “News” for more “Who Knew?” ideas.


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