WHO KNEW That 14 Upper Valley Schools Started Pollinator Gardens in 2017?
How did so many schools around our area come to have pollinator gardens?

WHO KNEW You Should Consider the “Dirty Dozen” List and the “Clean Fifteen” List when Grocery Shopping?
How do I know which fruits and veggies have the least pesticides?

WHO KNEW There Are So Many Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Environmental Impact?
What are some ways that I can reduce my environmental impact?

WHO KNEW the Week of Feb 24 is Invasive Species Week!
How can I learn about invasive species and what can I do about them?

WHO KNEW There Were So Many Great Environmental Books to Read?
What are some good books about the environment that are not completely depressing?
WHO KNEW that 14 Upper Valley Schools Started Pollinator Gardens in 2017?
Pollinator gardens in public schools

WHO KNEW One Person Can Have Impact on Bills Being Considered in the New Hampshire Legislature?
How can I make an impact on environmental legislation in Concord?

WHO KNEW What Happens When We Work Together?
What happened at the Hanover/Norwich Styrofoam and Christmas lights collection on Jan. 25th?

WHO KNEW There Are Many Ways to Improve Your Home’s Heating Efficiency?
How can I stay warmer during these very cold winter days?
WHO KNEW that the NH State Forest Nursery Sells Native Trees and Shrubs?
Where can I get reasonably priced trees and shrubs that grow well in our climate?

WHO KNEW Community Climate Connections (C3) Produced Over 40 WHO KNEWs in 2024?
What does Community Climate Connections do?
WHO KNEW That You Can Recycle Styrofoam and Strings of Christmas Lights?
When is the next Styrofoam and Christmas tree string lights recycling event?

WHO KNEW? We have a holiday riddle!
What do you use for 12 minutes, but lasts for 500 years?

WHO KNEW Bringing Leftovers Home Would Offer a Better Way to Go Green for the Holidays?
How can I avoid contributing to more landfill waste when going out to eat?

Who Knew You Can Wrap Holiday Gifts in Creative - and Environmentally Friendly - ways?
How can one reduce landfill waste when wrapping presents?

WHO KNEW Your Thanksgiving Turkey Carcass Makes the Best Homemade Soup Stock?
How can I use every bit of my turkey in a sustainable manner?

Happy Nov. 15th, American Recycles Day!
How do I know if something is recyclable and if so how I can recycle it?

WHO KNEW Your Keurig Coffee Machine Doesn’t Automatically Have a Plastics Problem?
How can I avoid using plastic in my Keurig coffee machine?

WHO KNEW There Are So Many Places in the Upper Valley to Take Unwanted Items for Reuse or Recycle?
How can I get rid of my stuff without sending much to the landfill?
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.