WHO KNEW You Can Do Laundry in Ways that Will Save Power and Cut Down on Chemical Waste?
How can one save energy and water when doing the laundry?

WHO KNEW that EB White, Author of Charlotte’s Web, Wrote “Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day.”
How can I keep up my energy to work to fight climate change?

WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power Will Soon Offer Electricity with 100% Renewable Content at a Rate that Is 55% Lower Than We Paid Liberty a Year Ago?
How do the new rates for electricity for HCP and the utilities compare?

WHO KNEW So Many Experts Support Reducing the Size of our Lawns?
How can I reduce the size of my lawn?

WHO KNEW that Transitioning to Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Away from Gas Powered Vehicles Is Critical to Avoiding the Devastating Effects of Climate Change?
In spite of the emissions involved in securing metals to make EV batteries, over the life of an EV, it contributes less emissions than gas vehicles.

WHO KNEW Choosing a Supplier of Electricity Could Be So Confusing?
How is Hanover Community Power different from the “competitive energy suppliers” that residents have been able to choose in the past?

WHO KNEW When Rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act Will Be Available?
When will rebates for consumer electrification projects be available?

WHO KNEW How Much Money One Can Access with the Inflation Reduction Act to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?
How can the Inflation Reduction Act help me?

WHO KNEW Your Choices at the Grocery Store Could Make a Difference in the Fight Against Plastic?
How can I avoid using plastic at the grocery store?

WHO KNEW Riding a Bike Could Be as Much Fun as a Ticket to Disneyland?
That’s the comparison my friend Mary Anne made when I asked her how she likes the e-bike she bought a little over a year ago.

WHO KNEW Earth Month (April) Can Be the Start of Many Earth-Friendly Actions?
As Earth Month approaches there will be a lot of suggestions in the media about what we can do to reduce our carbon footprints.

WHO KNEW What Progress COOP Foodstores Are Making Toward Net Zero Emissions by 2030?
Kudos to the COOP and its board who have committed to net-zero emissions by 2030.

WHO KNEW There is a Gift That Gives Twice?
About a year ago I discovered a company that sells toilet paper made from your choice of all recycled paper or bamboo. The company ships the toilet paper to one's home and for about $50 one can receive 48 rolls of paper. All packaging is recyclable. What is more, 50% of the profits of this company go to building toilets around the world for those who do not have them. 2.4 billion people don't have access to a toilet. That's roughly 40% of the global population and means that around 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrheal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That's almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes.
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.