WHO KNEW How Important It Is to Think Ahead About Replacing Your Heating/Cooling System Long Before You Need One?
How do I plan for replacing my heating/cooling system to make it more efficient, and less costly?

WHO KNEW the NH Co-op Food Stores Are Setting Big Goals for Reducing Their Carbon Footprint?
How is the Co-op working to become more sustainable?

WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power Will Soon Offer Electricity with 100% Renewable Content at a Rate that Is 55% Lower Than We Paid Liberty a Year Ago?
How do the new rates for electricity for HCP and the utilities compare?

WHO KNEW the NH Department of Energy Has Just Announced Program Budget Allocations for the Residential Renewable Electrical Generation Rebate Program for Fiscal Year 2024?
Are state rebates available for residential solar installations?

WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power (HCP) Rates Will Be Coming Down on August 1st?
How can I save more on my electricity bill?

WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power Is About to Begin?
When will Hanover Community Power begin?

WHO KNEW that Hanover Community Power’s Electricity Rates Will Be Lower Than Those Currently offered by Liberty or Eversource Utilities?
How do Community Power rates compare to those we pay to Liberty and Eversource?

WHO KNEW Most But NOT ALL Hanover Residents Will Be Automatically Enrolled in Hanover Community Power?
Who will not be automatically enrolled in Hanover Community Power?

WHO KNEW Burning Fossil Fuels for Energy Is Causing Our Electricity Rates to Rise?
Why is electricity so expensive?

WHO KNEW Our Own Hanover Town Manager, Julia Griffin, has Been Named Clean Energy New Hampshire’s Champion of the Year?
According to Clean Energy New Hampshire’s press release, Julia “has been instrumental in advancing state and local clean energy policy – through legislation, regulation and implementation.”
WHO KNEW Clearing Snow Could Be Fun and Environmentally Friendly?
For those who bemoan the damage to driveways and lawns caused by snowplows, consider the do-it-yourself method: Electric Snowblowers.

WHO KNEW We Would Have So Much to Be Thankful for This Year?
Only 4 years after setting a goal to use all renewable energy by 2030, Hanover is ready to start generating solar energy at its new solar installation near Hanover’s water treatment facility on. Grasse Rd. When combined with the Town’s six other rooftop solar arrays located on Town Hall, the Hanover Police and Fire Station, the water reclamation facility, the Public Works equipment storage Building and the sand and salt storage facility, nearly 100% of the municipality’s electricity needs will be met!
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.