WHO KNEW the NH Co-op Food Stores Are Setting Big Goals for Reducing Their Carbon Footprint?

Nate Osheyack, Facilities Manager at the Co-op Food Stores, recently spoke to the Sustainable Hanover Energy Initiative about the Co-op’s plans to increase their use of renewable energy and reduce their use of fossil fuels. This is a part of a larger project to increase sustainable practices at the Co-op so that they are a net zero CO2 emitter by 2030. This is a very big deal!!

As part of this effort, the Co-op is investigating the possibility of putting a large solar array on the roof of its Hanover store to offset some of the electricity used at its three NH stores. This rooftop is ideal since there are no obstructions to sunlight. The Co-op is also exploring the feasibility of moving away from refrigeration systems that use hydrofluorocarbons, which are very expensive and toxic to the environment, to those that use CO2. In addition, they hope to improve insulation and switch to LED lighting.

In the Spring issue of the Sustainable Hanover Newsletter we will be highlighting other sustainability projects that the Co-op is working on. April Harkness, who is in charge of environmental, social and governance issues at the Co-op, spoke recently about them to the Sustainable Hanover Committee. The projects include reducing plastic use, reducing waste going to the landfill, and energy reduction strategies. The Newsletter will be out in a couple of weeks and can be found on the Sustainable Hanover website. You can also subscribe to the newsletter there.

How can you support the Co-op's ambitious plans? According to Nate, shop at the Co-op, subscribe to its newsletter, and attend its board meetings!


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