WHO KNEW Your Keurig Coffee Machine Doesn’t Automatically Have a Plastics Problem?
How can I avoid using plastic in my Keurig coffee machine?

WHO KNEW the NH Co-op Food Stores Are Setting Big Goals for Reducing Their Carbon Footprint?
How is the Co-op working to become more sustainable?

WHO KNEW That When We Use Plastic or Polypropylene Cutting Boards, We Are Ingesting Small Pieces of Plastic Each Time We Chop Up Our Food?
Are plastic cutting boards hazardous?

WHO KNEW Your Choices at the Grocery Store Could Make a Difference in the Fight Against Plastic?
How can I avoid using plastic at the grocery store?

WHO KNEW Upper Valley Businesses Are Helping with the Problem of Plastics?
What can I do about plastic packaging?
WHO KNEW Our Neighbor to the North Can Inspire Us to Cut Back on Plastics?
Canada is taking plastic pollution more seriously than we are here in the US.

WHO KNEW July Is “Choose to Refuse” Single Use Plastics Month?
Staying away from single use plastic will be a challenge and
already I am thinking about what my alternatives will be.
WHO KNEW Doing Laundry Doesn’t Require a Big Plastic Jug of Detergent?
The Hanover Co-op now sells eco-friendly laundry products, including detergent that doesn’t come in big plastic bottles. I bought some laundry sheets called “EcosNext” and found them to work quite well.
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.