WHO KNEW There Are Many Ways to Improve Your Home’s Heating Efficiency?
How can I stay warmer during these very cold winter days?

WHO KNEW EV Charging on the Road is Becoming Much Easier?
Can I find places to plug in my EV if I am traveling away from home?

Who Knew you can heat your hot water more efficiently with a heat pump water heater?
What is a heat pump hot water heater?
WHO KNEW How Important It Is to Think Ahead About Replacing Your Heating/Cooling System Long Before You Need One?
How do I plan for replacing my heating/cooling system to make it more efficient, and less costly?

WHO KNEW the NH Co-op Food Stores Are Setting Big Goals for Reducing Their Carbon Footprint?
How is the Co-op working to become more sustainable?

WHO KNEW There Are Easy, SMALL Changes We Can Make That Can Have a BIG Impact on Global Warming?
How can I reducer the amount of electricity I use?

WHO KNEW Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are Not As Bad As Some Make Them Out To Be?
Help me understand the criticisms being leveled at EVs.

WHO KNEW Heat Pumps Need Special Attention to Keep Them Working at Peak Efficiency?
What do I need to do to keep my heat pumps working efficiently?

WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power (HCP) Rates Will Be Coming Down on August 1st?
How can I save more on my electricity bill?

WHO KNEW You Can Get a Rebate Toward a New AC Or Dehumidifier By Recycling Your Old Window Acs And Dehumidifiers?
Rebates on new Acs and dehumidifiers for recycling old ACs and dehumidifiers

WHO KNEW Riding a Bike Could Be as Much Fun as a Ticket to Disneyland?
That’s the comparison my friend Mary Anne made when I asked her how she likes the e-bike she bought a little over a year ago.

WHO KNEW What Progress COOP Foodstores Are Making Toward Net Zero Emissions by 2030?
Kudos to the COOP and its board who have committed to net-zero emissions by 2030.

WHO KNEW Colorful Christmas Lights Could Be So Green?
This year we need to replace our Christmas tree lights. After an investigation of incandescent versus LED mini light strings, I found that LED lights were the way to go. Up front they are more expensive, but in the long run they save you money.
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.