WHO KNEW There Are Easy, SMALL Changes We Can Make That Can Have a BIG Impact on Global Warming?

Here are 10 simple, free, and easy ways to lower everyone’s energy use and make a positive impact on climate change. Putting them in the form of questions has helped remind me of ways to integrate these energy savings efforts into a more impactful lifestyle. Maybe they'll help you, as well.

1. Did I turn the lights off when I left an empty room?

2. Are all unnecessary hallway lights off during the day?

3. Have all my outdoor lights been turned off before heading to bed?

4. Were external security lights replaced with even better deterrents, motion detector lights?

5. Do I often forgo using my dryer by substituting a clothesline or dryer racks in my shower?

6. Are spotlights on outdoor objects or decks off when there's no one to see them?

7. Is my water heater set at a constant slightly cooler temperature?

8. Are dish and clothes washers full before turning them on? Fewer loads = less power used.

9. Am I waiting until night to plug in my car when electricity costs are less because of less demand?

10. Have shades or drapes been closed to keep warm air in winter or hot air out in summer?

Most of these are now automatic, or almost, automatic with only one still a struggle for me. These small efforts could be thought of as little acts of love, a sort of Valentine to our earth, demonstrating the power of small changes making a positive impact. Are there changes you can easily make? Do something wonderful for our earth!


WHO KNEW that EB White, Author of Charlotte’s Web, Wrote “Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day.”


WHO KNEW Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are Not As Bad As Some Make Them Out To Be?