WHO KNEW Most But NOT ALL Hanover Residents Will Be Automatically Enrolled in Hanover Community Power?

Hanover Community Power (HCP) will start enrolling customers in late April and early May. Within the next 2-3 weeks, the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) will send a letter to all Hanover residents explaining how Hanover Community Power will work. There will also be an in-person and zoom information session for Hanover residents to hear more about HCP and to ask questions. This will be held on Thursday, April 6th, from 6:30-8:00 PM at the Richmond Middle School Auditorium. The meeting will be recorded so those unable to attend that evening will be able to view it later on the Sustainable Hanover website.

Though most Hanover residents will automatically be enrolled in HCP, there are some important exceptions: NH Cooperative customers; those contracting with competitive suppliers of electricity; and businesses who have their own electricity suppliers.

An important addition to the above exceptions are those people who have solar power and are net metering. If you fall into this category, you will NOT be automatically enrolled AT THIS TIME. The reason for this is that the utilities have failed to fully comply with the requirement of providing HCP with the information needed to properly serve net metering customers.

When Liberty Utilities and Eversource provide the necessary data, HCP will offer net metering rates and terms to compensate or credit customers for the electricity supply component of their net metered surplus generation, and pursue additional development of net metering rates and programmatic enhancements that will benefit and encourage customers to adopt distributed generation. Please “stay tuned” for more information for net metering customers.

As you know, Sustainable Hanover has encouraged residents to adopt solar energy, and we continue to do so. We are disappointed about the delay in enrolling net metering customers in Hanover Community Power and will continue to push to get the necessary information from Liberty and Eversource.

For more information about Hanover Community Power visit: sustainablehanovernh.org/communitypower

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WHO KNEW that Hanover Community Power’s Electricity Rates Will Be Lower Than Those Currently offered by Liberty or Eversource Utilities?


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