WHO KNEW that Hanover Community Power’s Electricity Rates Will Be Lower Than Those Currently offered by Liberty or Eversource Utilities?
How do Community Power rates compare to those we pay to Liberty and Eversource?
WHO KNEW Most But NOT ALL Hanover Residents Will Be Automatically Enrolled in Hanover Community Power?
Who will not be automatically enrolled in Hanover Community Power?
WHO KNEW Choosing a Supplier of Electricity Could Be So Confusing?
How is Hanover Community Power different from the “competitive energy suppliers” that residents have been able to choose in the past?
WHO KNEW You Can Have Renewably Sourced Electricity at Competitive Prices?
Why should I use Hanover Community Power rather than my current utility?
WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power (HCP) Is Coming Soon?
What is Hanover Community Power (HCP)?
WHO KNEW When Rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act Will Be Available?
When will rebates for consumer electrification projects be available?
WHO KNEW How Much Money One Can Access with the Inflation Reduction Act to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?
How can the Inflation Reduction Act help me?
WHO KNEW Burning Fossil Fuels for Energy Is Causing Our Electricity Rates to Rise?
Why is electricity so expensive?
WHO KNEW Your Choices at the Grocery Store Could Make a Difference in the Fight Against Plastic?
How can I avoid using plastic at the grocery store?
WHO KNEW a Thoughtful Review of “Stuff” Can Be a Good New Year’s Resolution?
What can I do with all my “stuff?”
WHO KNEW Not All of Our Holiday Gift Wrapping Is Recyclable
How can one know if gift wrapping is recyclable?
WHO KNEW You Can Recycle Your Athletic Shoes and Plant Trees at the Same Time?
How can I recycle my athletic shoes?
WHO KNEW Upper Valley Businesses Are Helping with the Problem of Plastics?
What can I do about plastic packaging?
WHO KNEW Those Unraked Leaves in Your Yard Are Someone’s Home?
What should I do with the leaves in my yard as I prepare for winter?
WHO KNEW That There Are Plenty of Public Electrical (EV) Chargers in the Local Upper Valley?
Where can I find EV chargers around Hanover?
WHO KNEW the Inflation Reduction Act Can Help You Directly?
How much money can I get with the Inflation Reduction Act?
WHO KNEW That From the Outer Packaging to the Inner Bubble Wrap You Can Recycle Most Packing Materials to Keep Them Out of the Landfill?
What can I do with all the mailers and packing material I receive?
WHO KNEW That Hunters Can Help Restore Native Plants and Forest Health?
What happens when too many deer inhabit our forest?
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.