WHO KNEW You Can Have Renewably Sourced Electricity at Competitive Prices?

You might have read about the upcoming spring launch of Hanover Community Power (HCP) in the news lately. HCP, as a member of the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH), is a way for communities to combine their demand for electricity and to buy, collectively, the power to meet that demand.

Is this a good thing? You bet, and here’s why:

Clean Energy: In 2017, the Town of Hanover voted unanimously to source its electricity needs entirely from renewable energy by the year 2030. Since then, solar panels installed by the Town generate almost as much electricity as the Town consumes. In addition, nearly 300 residents rely on solar power generated on their property or through community solar arrays. Hanover Community Power will allow all Hanover residents to opt for cleaner electricity—up to 100%--thereby helping the town reach its goal of 100% renewably-sourced electricity by 2030. Over time, HCP will work to purchase electricity from increasingly efficient, innovative, and renewable power sources.

Choice: Through Hanover Community Power, consumers will be able to choose the level of clean, renewably generated electricity they want: 23.4% (the minimum required by law; this is generally what is available through Liberty and Eversource); 33%, 50%, or 100%. Electricity can power our lights, our cars, and our heat pumps. By electrifying—and ensuring that our electricity is renewably sourced—we can wean ourselves off fossil fuels not only for our electricity needs, but for our transportation, heating, and cooling needs, as well.

Community Control: As a member of the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire, Hanover Community Power has a voice in the governance of CPCNH. Hanover drafted its own municipal electric aggregation plan and sets its own priorities for its energy future.

Competitive Cost: Because Hanover Community Power is part of CPCNH, it can purchase power at competitive prices using market strategies unavailable to regulated utilities. Plus, HCP, through CPCNH, will have the flexibility to respond rapidly to ever-changing energy markets, thereby ensuring rate stability for consumers. Regulated utilities do not have this flexibility.

Creative Energy Innovation: Either in collaboration with CPCNH or independently, Hanover Community Power will be able to create innovative programs for its customers. These could include expanded energy efficiency offerings, time-of-use rates, and battery storage incentives. HCP will also be able to invest in community scale renewable energy and storage projects.

There are a lot of reasons to choose community power. Taken together, these promise a resilient, affordable and sustainable energy future for everyone. The question isn’t why community power; the question is why not?

Want to know more or have questions? Go to: sustainablehanovernh.org/communitypower


WHO KNEW Choosing a Supplier of Electricity Could Be So Confusing?


WHO KNEW Hanover Community Power (HCP) Is Coming Soon?