WHO KNEW Those Unraked Leaves in Your Yard are Someone’s Home?
Is it necessary to rake leaves in the fall?
WHO KNEW There Are Some Native Plants that Deer Don’t Eat (Usually)?
What can I plant in a pollinator garden?
WHO KNEW Some Neighborhoods Fight Garlic Mustard in Hanover?
How does one get rid of the invasive plant, Garlic Mustard?
WHO KNEW It’s Work Trying to Avoid NEONICOTINOIDS?
What are neonicotinoids and how do they affect us?
WHO KNEW that Learning about Fruit Tree Guilds Could Result in Disease Resistant, High Yield Trees?
How can I help my fruit trees thrive and be more productive?
WHO KNEW Our Pollinator Gardens May Have Caused Worm-Free Apples?
How do pollinator gardens affect the plants around them?
WHO KNEW New Hampshire Has a Nursery Where You Can Order Native Trees and Shrubs at Bargain Prices?
How can I attract more birds to my yard year round?
WHO KNEW Putting the Garden to Bed Is an Alternative to Doing Nothing?
How can I get my garden ready for winter?
WHO KNEW Yet Another Invasive Species Is Wreaking Havoc in Our Gardens and Woodlands?
What can I do about Asian Jumping Worms?
WHO KNEW There Are So Many Reasons to Plant Trees and Bushes?
What can I do to make my yard more helpful to the planet?
WHO KNEW Figuring Out What Plants Are Growing in Your Yard Could Be So Easy?
How do I know what plants are growing in my yard?
WHO KNEW Those Unraked Leaves in Your Yard Are Someone’s Home?
What should I do with the leaves in my yard as I prepare for winter?
WHO KNEW You Can Create Biodiversity in Your Backyard by Planting Native Plants and Removing Invasive Ones?
Here are some ideas of what you can do.
WHO KNEW Pollinator Gardens Would Be So Important to Us All?
According to the USDA, virtually all the world’s seed plants need to be pollinated. “Without pollinators, the human race and all of earth’s terrestrial ecosystems would not survive.”
WHO KNEW Now Is The Time To Go After Invasive Species In Your Yard and Neighborhood?
Early spring is a good time to attack invasives, while they are easier to identify and before you plant your other gardens.
WHO KNEW Simple Changes in Lawn Care Produce Fascinating Results?
We know that in the US, roughly 80% of us live in urban areas and our lawns take up a lot of space. Typical lawn care can contribute to greenhouse gasses and pollute runoff from rain or snow. We also know that because of pesticide and herbicide use on lawns native bees are in decline in urban areas, and few flowering plants are found. However, a few simple changes in the way we care for lawns can bring back pollinators and contribute to biodiversity in our own lawn!
WHO KNEW that We Can Help Reverse the Decline of Our Pollinators?
Some of us remember when car windshields were regularly coated with masses of dead bugs. It isn’t that improved car design led to fewer squished bugs; there really were many more bugs back then. In the wake of this loss, populations of birds, which need insect larvae to feed their young, and other creatures have declined too. So what do we do?
WHO KNEW How Important Our Native Insects are to a Healthy Environment?
Pollination is the sex act for flowering plants. Plants need insects to help them reproduce.
Photo: Black swallowtail on NY ironweed.debbi’s roos.jpg
WHO KNEW New Hampshire Has a Nursery Where You Can Order Native Trees and Shrubs at Bargain Prices?
The NH state nursery grows seeds from native trees and shrubs and sells them in bulk when 1-2 years old, 4-18" tall.
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.