WHO KNEW New Hampshire Has a Nursery Where You Can Order Native Trees and Shrubs at Bargain Prices?

Many of us have feeders that bring birds and animals closer to our houses in the winter. Have you wondered how you can attract more birds year-around? In the spring, almost all of our native birds need insect larvae to feed their young, as the bugs provide the protein needed for growth. The leaves of native β€˜host’ plants provide food for these caterpillars, as the caterpillars are easily swallowed food for young birds. Non-native plants host very few insects. Milkweed is well-known as the host plant for monarch butterfly caterpillars.

The NH State Nursery grows seeds from native trees and shrubs and sells them in bulk when 1-2 years old, 4-18" tall. Seedlings are dug in the spring when the plants are still dormant, and packed bare-root in insulated paper bags that are kept in cold storage until distribution in May. The nursery has more than 50 species available and also offers packages intended for various habitats, with 5 plants of 5 different species - all at a very reasonable price.

Order soon, as the plants will go on sale early this month, and the nursery often runs out of some of the plants. You will find a catalog at https://www.nh.gov/nhnursery/index.htm You should be rewarded with more bird species in your yard - in just a few years.

NOTE: If you order these plants, it is probably a good idea to protect them from deer until they are well established.


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