WHO KNEW Reusing Paper Can Save Trees?

Of course, we all probably know that. Still, if you’re a Baby Boomer like me, reaching for your I-Phone may not be your automatic response if you need to write a shopping list or take notes during a meeting. I still tend to use paper for tasks like that.

But using only one side of a blank piece of paper is wasteful. So before I put a sheet of copier paper or a small paper from a notepad - or even a piece of junk mail that’s printed on only one side - into the recycling bin, I check to see if there’s room on the other side for taking notes. If there is, I save it and clip it to other pieces of paper that I’ve saved, and use it for writing down my notes and reminders.

There are hundreds of similar helpful suggestions in a book by Esme Floyd, entitled “1001 Little Ways to Save Our Planet: small changes to create a greener, eco-friendly world.” Like many of our “WHO KNEW?” columns, a lot of Floyd’s suggestions are small acts which, cumulatively, can make a big difference in protecting our environment.


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