What is Community Power?

In October 2011, thirteen communities formed the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) for the purpose of aggregating and selling electric power on a community scale. It is a way to purchase electric power that is more renewable and/or less expensive than that offered by regulated utilities, while also providing the community with control. CPCNH Membership has expanded to include 26 municipal members and one county. Very soon the first wave of the original members, including Hanover, will launch community power programs. 

So, what does in mean for residents and small businesses? 

  • Participants in Hanover Community Power (HCP) will be able to purchase power with increasing levels of renewable power (23.4% 33%, 50%, or even 100%) as defined by the State’s Renewable Portfolio Standards or better.

  • HCP will be transformative in helping the entire Town reach its 2030 goal of purchasing or generating enough renewable electricity to offset 100% of the power it consumes. This depends on each of us choosing the highest level of renewables that fits our pocketbook, while the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) works to secure the best possible rates.

Here’s what to expect and do.

Prepare for the launch:

  1. Look for a letter in the mail about the launch of HCP, its power offerings, and how to sign up sometime this spring;

  2. Attend the informational forum that will be held within 15 days of sending this letter;

  3. Read answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Exercise your choice

Sometime in late winter or early spring, Hanover Community Power (HCP) will finalize a menu of power offerings, each with a specific percentage of renewably-generated electricity at a certain rate.

One of these offerings will be identified as the DEFAULT option. The letter you receive will share these offerings and instructions.

If you are currently using Liberty or Eversource as your electricity supplier, you will be AUTOMATICALLY enrolled into HCP’s DEFAULT option. You do not need to act if you are satisfied with that option.

Guidance for specific customers, such as those who have installed solar and are on net metering plans, can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions..

If you still have questions, email Sustainable Hanover.


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