Community Power Outperforms Expectations
Recent news from the Community Power Coalition of NH (CPCNH) contained some surprises. Community power programs, including our own Hanover Community Power (HCP), are surpassing expectations held in April 2023 when Hanover launched as one of ten communities in the first wave of CPCNH programs. Over the first 16 months, HCP customers saved $643,000 compared to what they would have spent for utility supplied electricity.
Community Power Update
Hanover Community Power (HCP) customers saved more than $300,000 by switching their electricity purchases last year from regulated utilities.
Hanover Community Power Update
In July Sustainable Hanover announced that the utilities and HCP would be lowering rates for the 6 month period beginning August 1, with HCP’s default rate still cheaper that Liberty or Eversource. Please consider opting up now by clicking here and then scrolling down to the section “Electricity Supply Choices.
Community Power Launches Successfully
Hanover led toward renewables as community power successfully took on the responsibility to buy electricity for more than 75,000 customers in ten cities and towns across New Hampshire.
What is Community Power?
Community power is a way to purchase electric power that is more renewable and/or less expensive, while also providing community control. Hanover Community Power is coming soon!
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH): An Update
The energy future for New Hampshire is looking brighter. CPCNH is poised to become a major player in providing renewable energy. It aims to “lower electricity costs, procure electricity from sustainable sources, and improve competitive markets for local businesses that can offer innovative energy products and services.”
Community Power Status Report
Last July, attendees at Hanover’s Town Meeting voted to adopt the proposed Electric Aggregation Plan (EAP) to establish Hanover Community Power, a town-wide municipal electricity aggregation. Adoption of the EAP enabled Hanover to begin working with the Community Power Coalition of NH for the procurement of 100% green power for Hanover “retail” (residential and small business) electricity customers.