WHO KNEW the Week of Feb 24 is Invasive Species Week!
How can I learn about invasive species and what can I do about them?

WHO KNEW Japanese Knotweed Can Be Killed and Will Be Replaced by Non-invasive Plants?
How can one get rid of Japanese Knotweed and other invasive species?

WHO KNEW Yet Another Invasive Species Is Wreaking Havoc in Our Gardens and Woodlands?
What can I do about Asian Jumping Worms?
WHO KNEW Figuring Out What Plants Are Growing in Your Yard Could Be So Easy?
How do I know what plants are growing in my yard?

WHO KNEW that Deer Ticks Just Love Japanese Barberry Plants?
Invasive Japanese Barberry is a haven for deer ticks.
WHO KNEW That Garlic Mustard Could Be So Hard to Control?
How can we get rid of the invasive garlic mustard plant?
WHO KNEW Now Is The Time To Go After Invasive Species In Your Yard and Neighborhood?
Early spring is a good time to attack invasives, while they are easier to identify and before you plant your other gardens.

WHO KNEW that We Can Help Reverse the Decline of Our Pollinators?
Some of us remember when car windshields were regularly coated with masses of dead bugs. It isnβt that improved car design led to fewer squished bugs; there really were many more bugs back then. In the wake of this loss, populations of birds, which need insect larvae to feed their young, and other creatures have declined too. So what do we do?
WHO KNEW? from Sustainable Hanover brings you short, timely info on actions you can take to make a difference.