Happy Nov. 15th, American Recycles Day!

*Reduce, Reuse, Recycle* are the key ways to keep the environment in better shape by getting rid of things that you can’t use or don’t want. To help you figure out what to do with things that are no longer of use to you Sustainable Hanover has a FREE App for you called “*Betterbin*”. The app is specially designed for Town residents. It provides information on recycling options available, FAQS and announcements of upcoming events, such as styrofoam collection, and what to do with things that are hard to recycle. A very useful aspect of the app is that anyone unsure of whether an item can be recycled in the free Casella curb-side pickup, non-sort recycling bins, can scan the UPC bar code on any package and find out if it can be taken. An item can also be typed in, from batteries to fire extinguishers, and the app will give a suggestion on what to do with it, trash it or another option. *Betterbin *also supplies information on a myriad of options for local donations of items and the consignment of things you no longer want but that could be of use to someone else!

To get the app go to:


Try it! You will like it! And celebrate America Recycles!


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