Clean Energy New Hampshire

Joshua Singer, Program Coordinator of Clear energy New Hampshire, attended the February meeting of the Sustainable Hanover Committee  to discuss Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station planning. 

New Hampshire will be getting $2.2 million of Federal funding for EV stations. Proposals are due September 30, 2022. Submissions will probably follow the same guidelines as the VW settlement EV charging projects. Peter Kulbacki (Hanover Public Works) and Julia Griffin (Hanover Town Manager) discussed efforts to develop regional proposals – Lebanon, Hanover NH and possibly Hartford VT. Research is currently underway to determine what is needed. There is also consideration being given to a third party approach. Other issues include handling of charging times, costs, and in-town vs rural (near interstate highway) locations. Much is just not known at this time about expectations, deadlines, etc.

However, Singer suggested that proposals that cross state lines are highly problematic. CENH will be reaching out to the NH Department of Transportation to help in planning and writing proposals. Singer also noted that CENH was supporting the latest version of HB 549, restoration of energy efficiency funding, cut by the Public Utilities Commission. They will be advocating an increase in funding in the future.


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