More Solar, Please!

Over 200 homes in Hanover have installed solar panels to help meet their electrical needs. Sustainable Hanover wants more.

The Town of Hanover has set a goal of having the entire town operating on 100% renewable electricity by 2030. In alignment with that objective, Sustainable Hanover supports proposed amendments to the Hanover Zoning Ordinance that would make it easier to install solar energy systems.

At the Hanover Planning Board’s December meeting, Rob Houseman, Director of Planning and Zoning, introduced proposed changes to Sections 718 and 504 and a new section 505.21 of the zoning ordinance that would permit as “accessory uses” ground-mounted systems in the side and rear setbacks of residential properties property boundaries. Under the current zoning rules, solar arrays must be 50 feet from the property boundaries. Under the proposed changes, the structures could be as close as 10 feet from the side and rear property line if they were no more that 18 feet high.

In January, Yolanda Baumgartner, Co-chair of Sustainable Hanover, testified in support of these proposed changes. She pointed out that by permitting as accessory uses ground mounted systems in the side and rear setbacks, we would be treating them similarly to how we currently treat patios, pools, garages and sheds. She showed that the proposed modifications would significantly increase the land available for solar systems. While the proposed changes would apply to all districts, the impact will be greatest in our rural districts where the potential for ground mounted solar is greatest. For a three acre lot, the area available for solar systems would expand by a hefty 51% for an almost  square lot up to a massive 182% for a long rectangular lot. She also conveyed the sense of several local installers that an 18-foot height limitation would accommodate most solar systems in Hanover.

The Planning Board voted unanimously to move the proposed amendment forward to a public meeting on March 1st at 7:30 PM in Room 212 of RWB Community Center at 48 Lebanon Street and via Zoom (

Exact wording of the proposed modification can be found on the Town of Hanover website at:

Please bring your thoughts and questions on this subject to the March 1stmeeting and plan on voting in support of this amendment at our Town meeting on May 10th!


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