EV Expo Coming to the Upper Valley

Thinking about getting an EV?  Or switching to a different one?  The Upper Valley EV Expo is coming to Lebanon, Saturday, September 30, 10 am - 3:00 pm.  It will be held in the parking lot behind City Hall.  This is a chance to see a wide variety of EV’s, talk with the owners and perhaps go for a test ride.  There will also be presentations by panels of experts, ebikes, food, raffle prizes, and maybe Advance Transit’s new electric bus.

This is part of National Drive Electric Week and details will be posted on their web site.  You can also volunteer to help or display your EV on that web site, or just register to attend (not required).

Bring your neighbors and friends.  Hanover already has 232 EV’s registered and we need to grow that number to reach the goal of 100% renewable transportation by 2050.


School Street Sustainability Park


Styrofoam Collection at Kendal at Hanover